Thursday, 14 May 2015 14:46

Hot Social Media News! More Tweets will be indexed as Google and Twitter Partner Up!

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Online audiences will no longer require to sign into Twitter to take a glimpse at the latest news from around the world after Google feature more Twitter content in their search results from the first half of the year.

Another social media milestone is about to be passed as Twitter have finally confirmed its new deal that will see Google indexing tweets in real time.

With their new partnership, more tweets will be integrated in Google’s real time search for trending topics. This will ensure online followers will have greater access to news as it happens, wherever they are thereby boosting Twitter’s new and improved logged out experience.

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo stated:

“We’ve got the opportunity now to drive a lot of attention to and aggregate eyeballs, if you will, to these logged out experiences, topics and events that we plan on delivering on the front page of Twitter. And that’s one of the reasons this makes a lot more sense for us now”.

Meanwhile, Google can also glean information from the millions of tweets they will crawl and post on their search results. As a ‘real time/real place’ source of up to date news and information, Google is eyeing all Twitter data that can help them identify important content for display outside of Twitter.

How Could this Affect Your Business?

Does your business operate a Twitter account? If your social media posts were usually only seen by your regular followers, there is now a chance for you to grab the attention of Google visitors who are ‘on the look’ for trending news and topics.

So now as you continue to share new content on Twitter, Google is now also on the hunt for relevant news and information that is worth sharing with its audience. 

What should be on your checklist?


Responsiveness is something we’ve built in to sites for years, so is integration of SM!

Again, TNO’s holistic marketing policy is proven to be in tandem with Google’s long-term efforts at placing the best sites at the top of the results page.

Contact us today and learn how we can handle the most critical parts of your social media marketing and deliver improved ranking results...


Read 2845 times Last modified on Monday, 18 May 2015 09:42

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